The ground taping robot GTR-B series are designed to wind insulating tapes on any open bars (straight, U and Z shaped).
Advantages of the GTR-B series
Can tape Z shaped hydro bar as an option.
Single or double stations configuration available. Double stations can be configured to be inline or back-to-back.
Can easily be updated over the years.
Many configurations under the same family to fit the customer’s needs.
Fully protected from corrosion.
Robotic approach
Flexibility and reliability of an industrial Fanuc robot. Fanuc Robotic is the largest manufacturer of robot with support all around the world. Their robots are the most thrusted and reliable on the market.
The deflection of the arm of the robot removes any over tension on the tape that could occur if the coil is off-centre.
Intuitive and easy programming and operation
Industrial PC which allows easy remote support through remote desktop sharing application. It also allowed saving virtually unlimited programs and even sharing program between GTR.
User-friendly interface.
Unlimited taping zone can be created anywhere along the legs to control tension, angle, speed, overlap and heating. No predetermined inflexible constraints.
Teaching directly on the GTR using a contactless tool without requiring external equipment.
Advantages of the TH-B series
Application of one or two tapes.
Heating system for resin-rich tape application.
Electrical and Mechanical taping head can be use on any GTR-B.
Fast taping with 200 and 300 RPM capability.
Close driving system for smooth and quiet operation.
Fully protected from corrosion.
Difference between Mechanical and Electrical Taping Head
Mechanical taping head
Simple of use
Electrical taping head
Better controls over the process as angle and tension on each tape are electronically controlled.
Low tape alarm warns if there is not enough tape to complete a pass.
Dual brake on each tape for a better tension constancy.